A Classical Christian Homeschool Co-op
Chartered Class Descriptions 2024-2025
Overview of Chartered classes
Morning chartered classes:
Writing – IEW - Elegant Essay @ 9:00
Writing - IEW - Discoveries in Writing @11:00
Science – Apologia – Physics @ 9:30
Science - Apologia - Marine Biology @ 9:00
Science - Discovering Design - Chemistry @10:00
Science - Apologia - Physical Science @ 11:00
Science - Berean Builders (Elementary) - Science in the Industrial Age @10:00
Spanish II @11:00
Government - (2nd semester only) @ 11:00
Fine Arts and Activities @ 10:00
Music Exploration - for K-6th @ 9:00
IEW Elegant Essay plus Latin and Greek Root Words @ 9:00
Teacher: Lisa Miller
Prerequisites: Students need to be able to read. It is helpful to have a basic knowledge of writing sentences.
Class Length: Full Year (30 lessons + fun bonuses)
Age/ Grade Level: 7th-12th (Age 12+)
Class Description: I will deconstruct The Elegant Essay from IEW and organize and expand it into a year long class. This 'workshop' type of class will keep the students engaged in the actual writing (thinking) process during class time. The reason for this is to allow the students to practice the process and feel more confident in being able to do it themselves at home. Also, stretching out the curriculum gives the class more time to practice the concepts and help them to stick. In addition students will study and use Greek and Latin word roots in order to develop skills of contextual clues and thus be prepared to score better on SAT and ACT tests. We will also do intensive word studies including definitions from multiple sources, archaic use, modern use, quotes contained in the Bible and elsewhere. They will study a word’s etymology and compose a definition in their own words so as to really own it.
Supplies: The student book can be purchased at this website: The Elegant Essay Writing Lessons (There is no need to purchase the Teacher handbook unless you prefer)
3 ring notebook, paper, pencils, and a highlighter
Class Fee: $100 per semester
IEW Elementary - Discoveries in Writing @ 11:00
Teacher: Lisa Miller
Prerequisites: Students need to be able to read. I can work with students and parent teachers as needed to scale challenges to individual skill level.
Class Length: Full Year (30 lessons + fun bonuses)
Age/ Grade Level: 3rd-5th
Class Description: Discover a wide variety of fascinating subjects in Discoveries in Writing! In this theme-based writing curriculum, students write about exciting topics such as the Bayeux Tapestry, tsunamis, Jerusalem and the Crusades, and other interesting subjects while they learn to write with the Structure and Style® writing method. Offering a full year of instruction for students in 4th grade, these lessons cover seven of the nine IEW Units. Literature suggestions and access to vocabulary cards and other helpful PDF downloads are included. Typical homework assignments include the following: reading, workbook activities, drafts or finals and vocabulary drills. Parents will be responsible for checking in with their student to ensure comprehension of terms, completion of homework and for assessing the student’s final grade. Edits for improvement and affirmations will be given to the student per assignment usually the following week.
Supplies: With helpful PDF downloads included, the student book can be viewed at the IEW website here: Discoveries in Writing (There is no need to purchase the Teacher handbook unless you prefer)
3 ring notebook, paper, pencils, and a highlighter
Class Fee: $50 per semester
Apologia Physics @ 9:30
Teacher: Rachel O’Connor
Prerequisites: Geometry must be complete before beginning Physics
High School Credit: 1 high school science with lab credit
Class Description: Most of the class time will be dedicated to performing the labs for Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Physics (2nd edition). Many weeks we will have some time to lecture on the text and answer students’ questions. The student will be expected to read the text; complete all “On Your Own,” practice, and review problems; and complete tests on his own outside of class. This class, along with the homework assigned will fulfill your science requirement for the year.
Homework, Tests, Grades: Each student will receive a syllabus for the class which includes suggested daily reading and test assignments. The student should expect to spend 45 to 60 minutes per day for four days per week to complete his physics assignments. Lab reports and tests will be graded by the instructor. Parents will be responsible for assigning the final grade for the class.
Parental Involvement: Parents should expect to check the student’s review and practice problems before each test. This will allow parents to make sure the student is keeping up with the work and understanding the material.
Text Required: Apologia’s Exploring Creations with Physics (2nd edition) Text and Solutions Manual (ISBN 978-1932012422 and ISBN 978-1932012439 or purchase as a set). You do NOT need to purchase any lab supplies.
Class Fee: $200 per year plus $5 supply fee
Apologia Marine Biology @ 9:00
Teacher: Amanda Mishne
Prerequisites: Biology Course
High School Credit: 1 high school science with lab credit
Class Description: Subjects will include plate tectonics, salinity and density, waves, tides and other physical characteristics of the oceans. Major focus of study will be sea creatures such as Monera, Protista, Fungi and Plantae, marine invertebrates and vertebrates along with the different ocean zones where they are encountered. Most of the class time will be dedicated to performing the labs and dissections for Exploring Creation with Marine Biology. Many weeks we will have some time to lecture on the text and answer students’ questions. The student will be expected to read the text; complete all “On Your Own,” practice, and review problems; and complete tests on his/her own outside of class. This class, along with the homework assigned will fulfill your science requirement for the year.
Homework, Tests, Grades: Each student will receive a syllabus for the class which includes suggested daily reading and test assignments. The student should expect to spend 45 to 60 minutes per day for four days per week to complete his marine biology assignments. Lab reports and tests will be graded by the instructor. Parents will be responsible for assigning the final grade for the class.
Parental Involvement: Parents should expect to check the student’s review and practice problems before each test. This will allow parents to make sure the student is keeping up with the work and understanding the material.
Text Required: Exploring Creation with Marine Biology 2nd ed. by Sherri Seligson, Marissa Leinart, et al. published by Apologia. (ISBN-10: 1940110955 or purchase as a set that includes a student notebook) A notebook or journal of students choosing for taking notes is recommended if you do not purchase the student notebook. You do NOT need to purchase any lab supplies.
Class Fee: $200 per year plus $15-25 supply fee (depending on number of student that we can pair for dissection specimens)
***Disclaimer*** This class is being taught by a homeschool mom whose child needs the class. This mom does not have a bachelor’s degree level of expertise in the subject matter! The fee is being paid to compensate for the time spent facilitating the class and grading the labs and tests.
Chemistry @ 10:00
Co-Teachers: Ken and Heather Williams
Prerequisites: Algebra I completed. (This is a requirement because there is a significant math component of all chemical processes, and the ability to mathematically balance an equation will be required very early in the year.)
Class Length: Full year (32 lessons)
Age/Grade Level: High school
Class Description: This is a high school credit, college prep class that covers chemistry. Class time will be firstly devoted to completing labs; any extra time will be spent in lecture or reviewing questions from the students.
Homework: Students will be responsible for completing weekly reading assignments, weekly practice questions, and module tests. Parents will be responsible for checking in with their student to ensure timely completion of assignments and for assigning the student’s final grade. Teacher will be responsible for grading labs and tests.
Supplies: Household supplies per syllabus for labs
Text Required: Discovering Design with Chemistry by Dr. Jay Wile published by Berean Builders. (ISBN 978-0996278461 and ISBN 978-0996278478 or purchase as a set) You do NOT need to purchase any lab supplies.
Class Fee: $200 + $25 lab fee
***Disclaimer*** This class is being taught by a homeschool mom and dad team whose child needs the class. These parents do not have a bachelor’s degree level of expertise in the subject matter! The fee is being paid to compensate for the time spent facilitating the class and grading the labs and tests.
Physical Science @ 11:00
Teacher: Holly Easton
Prerequisites: None
High School Credit: 1 high school science with lab credit
Class Description: The text discusses such topics as the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, weather, the structure of the earth, environmentalism, the physics of motion, Newton’s Laws, gravity, and astrophysics. Most of the class time will be dedicated to performing the labs for Apologia’s Exploring Creation with Physical Science (2nd Edition). Many weeks we will have some time to lecture on the text and answer students’ questions. The student will be expected to read the text; complete all “On Your Own,” practice, and review problems; and complete tests on his own outside of class. This class, along with the homework assigned will fulfill your science requirement for the year.
Homework, Tests, Grades: Each student will receive a syllabus for the class which includes suggested daily reading and test assignments. The student should expect to spend 45 to 60 minutes per day for four days per week to complete his Physical Science assignments. Lab reports and tests will be graded by the instructor. Parents will be responsible for assigning the final grade for the class.
Parental Involvement: Parents should expect to check the student’s review and practice problems before each test. This will allow parents to make sure the student is keeping up with the work and understanding the material.
Text Required: Apologia’s (1) Exploring Creation with Physical Science (2nd Edition) and (2)Solutions and Tests for Exploring Creation with Physical Science (2nd Edition). You do NOT need to purchase the student notebook journal or any lab supplies.
Students will also need a three-ring binder (1” recommended) and four tabbed dividers.
Class Fee: $200 per year plus $15 supply fee
Elementary Science: Science in the Industrial Age @10:00
Teacher: Holly Easton
Prerequisites: Ability to follow directions and participate in class projects and discussions at the elementary level.
Class Length: One Year
Age/ Grade Level: 1st - 6th grade
Credit: One credit for elementary science
Class Description: Science in the Industrial Age
This course introduces the history and advances of science and scientists in the nineteenth century, the “industrial age,” to elementary students of all ages. Wonderful discoveries such as the nature of light, the connection between electricity and magnetism, radioactivity, and genetic adaptation are but a few of the fascinating lessons presented in this class.
The study is offered in 72 lessons with one or two hands-on activities each time the class meets. With about three pages of reading per lesson, review questions for students to complete at home will help guide young minds to love studying the fascinating world God has created for us. More advanced and inquisitive students are encouraged to grow even further by completing the “challenge” lessons included in the text, on their own.
This fun course of both science and history will have your student eager to understand even more about the world around us.
Homework, Tests, Grades: While tests and grades will not be a part of this course, there will be a reading list given that, if followed, will enhance what is being taught.
Parental Involvement: A willing parent to read through the three lessons prior to class each week. Parents may need to help with unit celebration projects, costumes, or reports.
Text/ Material Required: Science in the Industrial Age by Jay Wile, published by Berean Builders. ISBN# 978-0-9890424-8-2 On some weeks, students will be asked to bring common household items to be used in the experiments. When this is the case, I will send out an email to let you know what is needed at least a week ahead of time.
Class Fees: $50 per semester
Supply Fee: TBA
Spanish 2 @ 11:00
Teacher: Ashley Stickel
Prerequisites: Spanish 1
Class Length: Full year
Age/ Grade Level: High School (9-12)
Class Description: Build upon your student’s Bilingualism! Continue to cultivate your student’s newfound thirst for cultural and linguistic understanding by enrolling them in this Spanish Level 2 course! During this year-long course, students will focus on developing and expanding many of the areas learned in Spanish 1 including vocabulary and grammatical concepts such as: pronouns, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, irregular verbs, preterite, imperfect, future, and compound tenses. The imperative and subjunctive moods will be examined as well. Students will learn about the many different Spanish-speaking cultures from around the world by reading passages and listening to audio files which will allow them to practice reading and listening comprehension. Students will also study Bible verses throughout the course, which will allow them to be exposed to God’s Word in Spanish. This will give them a base they can build on to share the Gospel with others in the future. Students are expected to actively participate in class as we practice the concepts being presented and engage in the lesson by asking questions.
Homework: Homework will be assigned each week and students will have a week to complete the assignments. Typical homework assignments usually include the following: textbook activities, workbook activities, vocabulary practice, and listening practice.
Assessment Schedule: Each unit in the textbook includes two lessons. Students will complete a quiz after lesson one of each unit. Once both lessons one and two have been covered in class, students will take a test over that unit.
Supplies: The following materials will need to be purchased in order to participate in this course. Students are not required to write in the textbook or workbook, but can instead write answers to homework in a digital format or written on a separate sheet of paper and turned in to me. Audio files will be provided at no cost to the student.
Textbook: ¡Avancemos! Student Edition Level 2 ISBN: 9780554025322
Workbook: ¡Avancemos! Cuaderno práctica por niveles Level 2 ISBN: 9780618782192
Class Fee: $200 for the full year
Special Note: This class may become an online class if our teacher moves away from the area in October. She has experience teaching online and the class is still highly recommended. If the class moves online, students would be able to join in from home or at our church location with a group.
Fine Arts & Activities @ 10:00
Teacher: Lisa Miller
Prerequisites: an imagination and willing spirit to work through and with mistakes
Class Length: 45 minutes
Age/ Grade Level: 6th-12th graders with maturity to follow instructions with minimal reminders. For high school students this will qualify for a high school credit.
Class Description: Do you find it difficult to cram everything in even though it all sounds wonderful? This class is meant to facilitate assignments/suggestions provided in the weekly Fine Arts & Activities section of the Tapestry curriculum and leave the organization and mess to our weekly meetings and my expertise. I have a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Columbus College of Art and Design and will add my own commentary as applicable. On occasion students will be asked for input in the assignments chosen from the list of art activities. They will also be required to stay and clean up each week in the last portion of the class.
Homework: minimal as assigned
Supplies: provided for multimedia activities (Students that do not already own the Tapestry curriculum need to purchase the Art curriculum from the Tapestry of Grace website for $5.)
Class Fee: $60 per semester (supply fee included)
Music Exploration @ 9:00
Teacher: Laura Neely
Prerequisites: positive attitude, respectful behavior
Class Length: 45 minutes
Age/ Grade Level: K-6th graders
Class Description: Let’s explore music together! In this class, students will be exposed to famous musical themes from throughout history and even learn a few musical terms. We will follow a dog named “forte” and a cat named “piano” as they travel through music history. Movement games and instrument exploration will be included as we learn about great composers and get exposure to the musical genius of figures like Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Chopin and more! As a former music teacher in public and private schools, I will draw on different teaching experiences to share my love of music with the students. Maybe we can sing together! We will see what interests the students as we learn and explore.
Homework: none
Supplies: none
Class Fee: $50 per semester
Government @ 11:00
Teacher: Andrea Arason
Prerequisites: An understanding of the basic flow of history is helpful, but not required.
Highschool Credit: .5 credit hours
Class length: 1 Semester - January-May 2025
Class Description: This class is still in the works! The tentative plan is to read and discuss documents significant to the development of government throughout history and then to use Tapestry of Grace's government track in the last unit which does a deep dive into important U.S. Supreme Court cases from the last part of the 1900s.
Homework: There will be reading and questions to answer.
Supplies: TBA
Class Fee: TBA